You may have heard or actually bought an info product that was nothing more than an interview of some expert, and that should give you a heads up. You can research the material yourself and write it; or get it straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. The following article looks into a few easy to apply points that will help you get your interview right and extract the maximum value out of it.
It is extremely helpful and appreciated that you clue your expert in on what you intend to ask about. You want to have the best product you can get, and more thoughtful and thorough answers will be the result. Another important tip is to base your questions on market research, or knowing as much about your audience concerns as possible. If you work to make this the best you can, then think about the positive things that can result from it. Pay close attention during the interview because it is your responsibility to maintain the right course as well as what is said. You need to be crystal clear about the message that the interviewee has to pass through his answers, so to it that there is absolutely no confusing situation. Think about all that is possible, and you should also write additional questions that you can plan for during the interview. You should try to steer the interview in the positive direction with each question and see to it that the interviewee is getting your point and knows your intention well enough.
If you have a list in the market, then simply do a webinar interview; if no list, then do a JV or just do the interview on your own. So, whether or not you do the webinar depends on several factors, and we offer this great suggestion because it is a solid idea. Never overlook any chance you can find to improve your offer, so just think about all that is going on with the webinar. In exchange for the expert’s time and knowledge, be generous with whatever you can do in the way of promoting that person.
When your objective is to make the interview valuable and extract the most valid information out of your interviewee, you will get better results. Continue to expand your knowledge about interviewing people because that will only add plus points to the product. You can definitely create a mini empire based on nothing but interviewing experts in various niches and making great products out of them.
Terence love to write articles in a variety of niche. One of his client has experienced a fantastic success together with his assistance promoting a web site that is related to “how to get rid of acne scars”. This informative website educate people using proper methods to eliminate the acne scarring on their face. Check out his site –