Even if the main focus of your business is online marketing, you shouldn’t ignore the many possibilities offline marketing has to get you more prospects and customers. For some marketers who are used to operating online, the idea of offline marketing is a little scary, as it means having to deal with the public face to face in some instances. If the idea of offline marketing makes you uncomfortable, this just means you have to get your feet wet and get used to some of the fundamentals, which are quite simple and straightforward. The focus of this article will be on ways to get the most out of your offline marketing efforts.
The Value of Business Cards: If you make proper use of them, business cards can still be a great way to let the world know about your company, service or website. Don’t hesitate to hand out or leave a business card in as many locations as possible, as this will increase their impact. This can be a good way to promote your website and alert more people who might be interested in it. It’s now possible to have large numbers of business cards made cheaply, either online or at an office supply store or copy shop in your area.
A Free Class Will Draw People to You: One way to get more publicity and traffic to your website is to conduct a free class (offline) where attendees can learn something that pertains to your business. Your basic aim here is to give people an overview about what you’re offering, while you give them a free education. You can make many useful contacts by taking this approach, and you can find out how these prospects react to the information you share with them. The important thing is to deliver something valuable to people who attend, and not make them feel like you’re only selling something.
Use the Classifieds: When you post an ad to the classifieds, you can get great response if you do it well. Posting a simple classified ad can sometimes do wonders in terms of your return on investment, so don’t underestimate this method. Try to get the best exposure from the most newspapers you can and see what sort of comeback you receive. When one ad out of all you have posted seems to get more hits; take that ad and post it in every newspaper in the country or even the world.
The above article just goes on to show that offline marketing is an old, tried and tested way to get more exposure to your business, so using it to promote your website and get targeted traffic to your products is something that can work for you if done right. The key to success with offline marketing is being innovative and not limiting yourself, as this way you’ll always be one of the first to spot new opportunities for marketing offline.
Cindy has begun web marketing since year 2004. His present customer, who is conducting an oil painting course based in Singapore, has experienced a solid results online with his help. The students get to register for a preview class on the web to discover the foundation oil painting methods at no cost, nonetheless he/she must be based in Singapore though. Check out his site – click here!